World Mental Health Day. 'Houseplants for Wellbeing'.
Houseplants can play a tremendous part in improving our wellbeing but why do houseplants have a calming influence on our lives and allow us to switch off from daily chores? World Mental Health Day is a good opportunity to reflect on the things that make us feel good and help us cope with the stresses of modern life.
Read my latest feature 'Houseplants for Wellbeing' on the Plantsmith website.

Caring and nurturing houseplants can give us purpose and meaning and provide a great sense of achievement watching our plants grow. Anyone can be a houseplant parent, however small your space.

Indoor gardening gives us time to think. It lets us take a break out of our day to concentrate on mindful tasks like watering or snipping off spent leaves. It allows us to switch off and lose ourselves in the activity. Houseplants can actually help us feel more productive and focussed. There are no deadlines, no tech, simply us and our plants. There is a lot be said for taking time out to enjoy things at a slower pace.

Pop over to the Plantsmith website to find out more.

All photos © Debi Holland 2022